A magic potion that targets and treats your skin concerns—and by magic potion, we mean face serums.

Do You Believe in Magic? When it comes to customizing our skincare routines to target specific concerns such as fine lines, acne, discoloration, and a dull complexion, it seems that we are always looking for a certain magic potion that can tackle an array of skin ailments.
But is there such a thing? The answer is YES! Though it may not be the type of magic that we picture, like witches brewing in a cauldron, there is a magic potion that targets your specific skincare concerns giving the results you wish for — and by magic potion, we mean face serums.
With Halloween quickly approaching, we are happy to share our spell book on why a facial serum is the most basic- yet essential step for achieving those skincare results that will make you believe in magic!
The Magic of Facial Serums
For those who are unfamiliar: Serums are formulas that are often highly concentrated, and they consist of nutrients, vitamins, and a boat-load of other beneficial ingredients.
It’s only recently that face serums have become the BIG thing in the world of skincare. And already the market is saturated with vastly different serums for different skin types. But are they worth the hype or are serums just a fad? Aren’t moisturizers enough?
Well, while it is true that moisturizers are enough to provide your skin with the nourishment it needs, as you age your skin starts demanding more and more from you. And that’s where a serum comes to the rescue!
They are applied after cleansing and before a moisturizer, they can be used all over the face or just as a spot treatment. Using a serum that can target specific skin concerns in your daily skin care regimen can not only target those problem areas but can help improve the overall appearance of your complexion, too.
Like any good spell the way you perform it is important!
When using a face serum, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re using it carefully and not unnecessarily wasting the magical stuff. Below are some of the most common serum-wasting mistakes and how to avoid them.
Wrong Application Order
The best order of application is to first cleanse, then exfoliate (only if you need to- never over-exfoliate), then apply a serum. This will make sure that your skin is properly prepped so that your serum can get deep into your pores. After 5-10 minutes of allowing the serum to seep into your skin, finish off by applying your moisturizer.
Forgetting to Exfoliate
Exfoliating is an essential step to get rid of dead skin cells on the surface of your skin. It helps to brighten your complexion and makes it easier for serums to penetrate the skin.
You don’t have to exfoliate every day though. Twice or three times a week should do the trick, any more than that can damage the new regenerative cells and cause other problems.
Rubbing Instead of Patting
Rubbing the serum in with your fingers will result in the majority of your serum getting on your hands instead of your face. To avoid this from happening, always apply in an upward pressing motion and avoid rubbing and tugging the skin.
Plus, the pressing motion will help the product really penetrate into the skin, so you’ll get more results with less product.
Mixing Serum Ingredients
With serums, less is more! If you use different serums at the same time, then you might end up combining ingredients that cause irritation or even end up canceling each other out. It is best to pick one and allow it to do its job, and then have a rotation schedule. A great example would be to use Raybae Rejuvenating Retinol Serum in the evening and the Calming C Serum in the morning.
The Takeaway…
Simply put, face serums do things that your moisturizers cannot. The molecules in serums are smaller than your regular moisturizer which helps actives penetrate deeper into your skin to give better results. When your skin starts ageing, it needs nutrients—vitamins and minerals—to keep it glowing and looking radiant. And for that, serums are needed as they come loaded with ingredients like AHAs, vitamin C, niacinamide, and hyaluronic that cater to your different needs.
If you would like to learn more about skincare or about serums,
check out our blogs!
Raybae's Natural Skincare Products